Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Seroquel and Cognitive Brain Function

Seroquel use at any dose will impair your cognitive brain function. Your doctor most likely will not discuss this with you at any length and will never tell you the  truth about the flat pancake your thinking process is about to become on the antipsychotic drug Seroquel even if he or she even knows it. The doctor will simply write the prescription and send you on your way, checking up with you every month and sometimes every three months for thirty minutes, maybe an hour.

Most doctors (and when I say doctors, I mean Psychiatrists), have no idea what Seroquel does to the human brain, with the exception of what the drug rep tells them or they read in a one page medical journal. I am not sure most doctors really care. That is not their business. Their business is to see as many patients in a day or week and rack up billing hours and send their children to prep school. Most doctors I know were more interested in collecting fees and co-pays than true care for patients. Think I am being cynical? Try asking your doctor - Psychiatrist for a FREE ONE HOUR SESSION! He or She will look at you like you are crazy.

Back to Seroquel and your brain and cognitive function; the first thing you will notice after a number of months is your short term memory starts to stutter. Where did I put that file? Where are my glasses? Do I have an appointment at noon or two today? When you meet someone new or see an old friend from years ago, what did you say your name was again? It can be embarrassing and frustrating. But then again, this is why they invented Post-Its! So you can write yourself notes and stick them every where !! You think I am kidding, right?

Eventually you will develop a system for putting everything back in its place, from the TV  clicker, to car keys, your cell phone, your laptop, your tablet, all the charger cords, your work, briefcase, wallet, important papers, letters, cards, photos, why you ask? This will happen about the one hundredth time you spend 15 minutes trying to find your cell phone when you left it somewhere the night before where you could not possibly forget where you put it.

Because once you have misplaced or can't remember where you put an essential item be it a wedding ring or car keys or cell phone - you will never find it again except for dumb luck. Seroquel makes you create a filing system for all your essential gadgets and gizmos making you put them in their place so you can find them again 12 hours later. 

At first you think, well so I am not paying attention, it's my fault. Wrong! It's Seroquel effecting you cognitive brain function at the most basic level - short term memory! And trust me, you will blame and scold yourself for being an idiot, forgetful, for not paying attention, and it will all be your fault. It could not be a medicine prescribed by your doctor. This thought will not cross your mind until your "forgetfulness becomes an ongoing joke," private or public.

This is just the beginning. After a couple years at a moderate dose, reading becomes difficult, if not impossible, remembering what you read another Herculean task. Names, dates, places, meetings, people, faces, simple things like shopping at the grocery store only to find you got home without the one main item you went to buy in the first place you forgot to purchase, all this is part of the Cognitive Impairment brought on by the use of Seroquel. A medicine that is supposed to help you! Prescribed by your trusted doctor, no less.

There comes a point where you simply except this is the way it is going to be and you resign yourself to thinking what else can I do my doctor says this is the best medicine for me. So what if you can't find your car keys and miss another appointment with your psychiatrist and he bills you anyway and insurance will not cover it if you are lucky enough to have insurance. So what is you dozed off two hours before your appointment and woke up 10 minutes late, now have to rush to his office for 25 minutes of a 55 minute meeting. He is still billing you for an hour. You begin to think that you are a lazy sloth who can't stay awake or you forgot to set your cell phone reminder alarm, again.

After a few years I had to put everything in its place. I had to write lists. I had to set date and time reminders on my cell so I would know when and where to be at what time. If I did not do these things I would continually lose items, forget things, forget that I forgot them, and I would never be anywhere I was supposed to be on time.

And of course I blamed myself through this process. Which created feelings of anger and despair and disillusionment as to who I was and who I was becoming. Trust me when I say that its not you. Your brain and short term memory are being impaired by Seroquel and that in itself will drive you mad.

Seroquel Sunrise is a blog describing the stages of that the antipsychotic drug Seroquel has on the body, the mind, the spirit and soul of the patient becoming dependent on Seroquel.